Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Taking home a baby bumble bee spanish version

This month we are all about insects and I was going to teach my students the baby bumble bee song and I realize I needed to teach them a version in Spanish so I made one up. Remember it is a silly song and I was trying to stay as close as posible  to the original plus making it rhyme so here it is:

Me llevo una abejita para casa

                                                    (tune of I'm taking home a baby bumble bee)

Me llevo una abejita para casa
mi mama se va a poner contenta
me llevo una abejita para casa
Ay me pico!
Aplasto la abejita para casa
mi mama se va a poner contenta
aplasto la abejita para casa
huy que sucio!
Me limpio la abejita para casa
mi mama se va a poner contenta
me limpio la abejita para casa
 Ay me van a castigar