Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Dr. Jean & Friends Blog: SCIENCE IN A BOTTLE
Dr. Jean & Friends Blog: SCIENCE IN A BOTTLE: My friend Iris sent this photograph of discovery bottles she created with her students. She took recycled bottles and engaged the...
Thursday, July 19, 2012
I am super excited that I sold my house and will be moving to Florida in August. School begins there for teachers August 13th!. Wow. No job yet but have been sending applications left and right, literally Lake, Orange and even Osceola county, a radius of 30 miles around Clermont where I will reside soon. But I would love to get a job in Clermont there are a couple of schools I am very interested in so fingers crossed and prayers sent!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Hi Everyone!
I haven not been here much but soon I will be adding some new materials and videos. I am working summer school 1/2 day so I will have more time . I just finished translating some work for Dr. Jean Feldman and Iam super excited about that will share soon!.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Las letras del camion
Dr Jean has a cute song about the alphabet called The Letters on the Bus. Which I translated with her permission.
The Letters on the Bus
The Letters on the Bus
(Tune: “The Wheels on the Bus”)
letters on the bus all make their sounds,
their sounds,
their sounds.
letters on the bus all make their sounds
around the town.
B on the bus goes /b/ /b/ /b/, /b/ /b/ /b, /b/ /b/ /b/,
B on the bus goes /b/ /b/ /b/ all around the town.
I shorten it to just saying the letter sounds with the same tune
La A en el camion dice a/ a/ a/ a/ a/ a /a/ a/ a/
la A en el camion dice a a a por la carretera
La B en el camion ...
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Taking home a baby bumble bee spanish version
This month we are all about insects and I was going to teach my students the baby bumble bee song and I realize I needed to teach them a version in Spanish so I made one up. Remember it is a silly song and I was trying to stay as close as posible to the original plus making it rhyme so here it is:
(tune of I'm taking home a baby bumble bee)
Me llevo una abejita para casa
(tune of I'm taking home a baby bumble bee)
Me llevo una abejita para casa
mi mama se va a poner contenta
me llevo una abejita para casa
Ay me pico!
Aplasto la abejita para casa
mi mama se va a poner contenta
aplasto la abejita para casa
huy que sucio!
Me limpio la abejita para casa
mi mama se va a poner contenta
me limpio la abejita para casa
Ay me van a castigar
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Las Vocales
Hi I have been a little under the weather on this winter break, but wanted to share a song I made about the vowels in Spanish
He estado un poco enferma en estas vacaciones de invierno pero queria compartir esta cancion que hice de las vocales en espanol
He estado un poco enferma en estas vacaciones de invierno pero queria compartir esta cancion que hice de las vocales en espanol
Las Vocales
Tune of Oh Susana!
la A comienza abeja, abanico y avión
Con la
a comienza aire, amarillo y azadón
A a A, a mi me gusta la a,
Astronauta y araña también comienzan con A.
la E comienza estrella, elefante y edredón
Con la
e comienza escoba, escritorio y empujón
E e E a, mi me gusta la e,
Enfermera y escalera también comienzan con E.
la I comienza iglesia, insecto e invierno
Con la
i comienza iguana,
imán e izquierdo
I i I a, mi me gusta la i,
e iglú también comienzan con I
la O comienza ombligo, oso y oreja
Con la
o comienza ocho, oro y oveja
O o O a, mi me gusta la o,
y orquesta también comienzan con o
la U comienza uno,
unicornio y urraca
Con la
u comienza urna,
uniforme, y usada
U u U a, mi me gusta la u,
y uvas también comienzan con u
By Iris Nieves 2011
Saturday, February 18, 2012
25 things I learned in February The show
Happy Winter Break! Yey boy I need it. Thursday night I couldn't sleep so around 1:30 am my mind was very creative although my eyes wanted to rest and I came up with a review idea for the last day before the break.I placed all the topics (read, draw, sing,write) in a bag and each (contestant) picked a topic.They had 3 chances or they could pick another. They would get a prize just for trying! The kids loved it, they were helping each other and cheering. At the end we all hugged our brain's ( an idea from Dr. Jean) I send it as a letter for parents to practice with kids at home.
1. Sing the alfabet( abecedario)
2 Write from 1 to ___
3. Sing the song yo te daré
4. Sing the song Habia un sapo (atencion atencion web site)
5. Sing the song lagartijo (atencion atencion web site)
6. Sing the song 5 monitos
7. Sing the song habían 5 sapitos
8. Sing the song la Arañita (intsy wintzy)
9. Draw a esfera/ sphere
10.Draw a cono /cone
11.Draw a cilindro/ cylinder
12.I can say the /calendario
13. I can write 3 words yo esta mama
14.I can read 3 words casa dedo pelota
15. I can read a sentence Yo estoy en mi casa.
16.I can count from 1 to ____
17 I can draw a circle/ circulo, square/ cuadrado and a triangle/ triangulo
18 Sing the song el oso subió a la montana (bear went over mountain)
19. Sing the song Juanito cuando baila
20. Sing the song días de la semana
21. I can say the /colores (8)
22. I can draw a person a house and a tree
23. I can say 3 forms of transportation
24. I can say the sound of the letters
25. I can hug my brain
Dear parents today we did a game where each child did one of these activities. At home see how many of these activities your child can do . Mrs. Nieves
1. Sing the alfabet( abecedario)
2 Write from 1 to ___
3. Sing the song yo te daré
4. Sing the song Habia un sapo (atencion atencion web site)
5. Sing the song lagartijo (atencion atencion web site)
6. Sing the song 5 monitos
7. Sing the song habían 5 sapitos
8. Sing the song la Arañita (intsy wintzy)
9. Draw a esfera/ sphere
10.Draw a cono /cone
11.Draw a cilindro/ cylinder
12.I can say the /calendario
13. I can write 3 words yo esta mama
14.I can read 3 words casa dedo pelota
15. I can read a sentence Yo estoy en mi casa.
16.I can count from 1 to ____
17 I can draw a circle/ circulo, square/ cuadrado and a triangle/ triangulo
18 Sing the song el oso subió a la montana (bear went over mountain)
19. Sing the song Juanito cuando baila
20. Sing the song días de la semana
21. I can say the /colores (8)
22. I can draw a person a house and a tree
23. I can say 3 forms of transportation
24. I can say the sound of the letters
25. I can hug my brain
Dear parents today we did a game where each child did one of these activities. At home see how many of these activities your child can do . Mrs. Nieves
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Kisses ='s Learning - The Organized Classroom Blog
Kisses ='s Learning - The Organized Classroom Blog
cool Valentine's day activities now that I have a document reader and a projector . It will be easier for me to show the activities and then they can do them.
cool Valentine's day activities now that I have a document reader and a projector . It will be easier for me to show the activities and then they can do them.
Colecciones Bitacola - Cantemos la Cartilla - Vamos a Aprender - Mi libro Grande
Colecciones Bitacola - Cantemos la Cartilla - Vamos a Aprender - Mi libro Grande
I found this amazing activity book with Cd for kinder and workbook at a library.WOW can"t wait till Monday to show the other kinder teachers. Maybe we can use it as supplemental material.
Encontre este maravilloso cuaderno y libro de actividades con Cd en una biblioteca. WOW no puedo esperar al lunes para compartir lo con las otras maestras de Kinder. Quizas lo podamos usar como maretial supplemental.
I found this amazing activity book with Cd for kinder and workbook at a library.WOW can"t wait till Monday to show the other kinder teachers. Maybe we can use it as supplemental material.
Encontre este maravilloso cuaderno y libro de actividades con Cd en una biblioteca. WOW no puedo esperar al lunes para compartir lo con las otras maestras de Kinder. Quizas lo podamos usar como maretial supplemental.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
This is the Spanish version of 5 green Speckled frogs. It is slower you can speed it up a little when you sing it, or you can whisper it. I tried to do it the same tune as the 5 green speckled frogs but it didn't make sense in Spanish, so this is my own version.
Esta es mas a menos la traduccion de 5 green speckled frogs. Es mas lenta pero la pueden cantar mas rapido, o decirla bajito. Trate de hacerla en la misma tonada que la de Ingles pero no hacia sentido, entonces es mi propia version.
Here is the Spanish version of Dr Jean's Will You Be My Valentine?
(tune Do you know the muffin man)
Quieres ser mi valentin, valentin, valentin
Quieres ser mi valentin,
sere el tuyo, si eres el mio
Algunos rojos o azules
con lacitos o cintillas
unos graciosos y otros no
pero los de dulces me gustan mas
translated by Iris Nieves
Dr. Jean & Friends: WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE?: Will You Be My Valentine? (Tune: “Do You Know the Muffin Man?”) Will you be my Valentine, (Point to various ...
Friday, February 3, 2012
This is me! I will post pics of my classroom next week and I will add more of my ideas. Yesterday I was able to go to Dr. Jean Feldman conference and I had a blast, learned so much and I was able to share some of my ideas with her. COOOOL! Now I'm trying to figure out how to add pages and links to this blog.
Esta soy yo! Pondre fotos de mi salon la proxima semana y pondre mas de mis ideas. Ayer pude ir a la conferencia de Dr. Jean Feldman y me diverti mucho, aprendi mucho y pude compartir algunas de mis ideas con ella. Superrrrr! Ahora a ver como puedo anadir paginas y links en este blog.
Esta soy yo! Pondre fotos de mi salon la proxima semana y pondre mas de mis ideas. Ayer pude ir a la conferencia de Dr. Jean Feldman y me diverti mucho, aprendi mucho y pude compartir algunas de mis ideas con ella. Superrrrr! Ahora a ver como puedo anadir paginas y links en este blog.
Soy un Lapiz
This was my first idea. I made it so that during the first couple of weeks the children would familiarize themselves with the materials they were going to use.
I’m a pencil
I’m a pencil, I’m a pencil Yes I am, you can see
I can help you write, I can help you draw
Just like this, just try me
I’m a crayon, I’m a crayon Yes I am, you can see
I can help you draw, I can help you color
Just like this, just try me
I’m the scissors, I’m the scissors Yes I am you can see
I can help you cut, yes to cut
Just like this, just try me
I’m the glue, I’m the glue Yes I am, you can see
I can help you glue and to decorate
Just like this, just try me
Esta fue mi primera idea. La hice para que en las primeras semanas los ninos se familiarizaran con los materiales (utiles) que iban a usar.
Soy un lapiz
( tune Where is Thumpkin)
Soy un lapiz, soy un lapiz Si lo soy ya lo vez
Te ayudo a escribir y a dibujar a-asi pruebame
Soy una crayola, soy una crayola Si lo soy ya lo vez
Te ayudo a dibujar y a colorear a-asi pruebame
Soy las tijeras, soy las tijeras Si lo soy ya lo vez
Te ayudo a recortar Si a recortar a-asi pruebame
Soy el pegamento, soy el pegamento Si lo soy ya lo vez
Te ayudo a pegar y a decorar a-asi pruebame
By Iris M. Nieves
This was my first idea. I made it so that during the first couple of weeks the children would familiarize themselves with the materials they were going to use.
I’m a pencil
I’m a pencil, I’m a pencil Yes I am, you can see
I can help you write, I can help you draw
Just like this, just try me
I’m a crayon, I’m a crayon Yes I am, you can see
I can help you draw, I can help you color
Just like this, just try me
I’m the scissors, I’m the scissors Yes I am you can see
I can help you cut, yes to cut
Just like this, just try me
I’m the glue, I’m the glue Yes I am, you can see
I can help you glue and to decorate
Just like this, just try me
Esta fue mi primera idea. La hice para que en las primeras semanas los ninos se familiarizaran con los materiales (utiles) que iban a usar.
Soy un lapiz
( tune Where is Thumpkin)
Soy un lapiz, soy un lapiz Si lo soy ya lo vez
Te ayudo a escribir y a dibujar a-asi pruebame
Soy una crayola, soy una crayola Si lo soy ya lo vez
Te ayudo a dibujar y a colorear a-asi pruebame
Soy las tijeras, soy las tijeras Si lo soy ya lo vez
Te ayudo a recortar Si a recortar a-asi pruebame
Soy el pegamento, soy el pegamento Si lo soy ya lo vez
Te ayudo a pegar y a decorar a-asi pruebame
By Iris M. Nieves
Bienvenidos / Welcome

Este blog va a ser en ingles y en Espanol y en el voy a compartir ideas que he creado para hacer mas facil ensenar Espanol en mi salon. Este ano my escuela comenzo un programa piloto de immersion de doble lenguaje comenzando con un modelo 90/10 en kindergarten ( jardin de infancia) y primer grado. Lo que significa 90% de el dia yo enseno todos los topicos en Espanol y enseno un bloque de 45 min. en Ingles. Estaba super contenta ( en mi salon tengo 20 ninos hispanos y 3 que hablan Ingles.) pero encontre que casi todos mis materiales, especialmente las canciones, juegos, etc. estaban en Ingles. Comenze a buscar en el internet canciones, y materiales en Espanol pero no consegui mucho. Entonces comenze a crear algunos o a traducir otros que ya estaban en Ingles. Estoy muy contenta de comenzar my primer blog!
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